Tuesday, August 28, 2012

About My Family

Posted by Amber

Hi and welcome to Sponsoring Love! Let me tell you a little bit about my family. My name is Amber and I've been married for almost 11 years to my high school sweetheart Jeff. We have 2 children - Allison (age 5) and Will (age 2). We live in central Georgia.

A few years ago we began attending a church in our area and learning about how they work with the International Justice Mission (IJM). I liked donating to that charity but as I learned more about helping children, I wanted a more personal way to connect with children in need. I came across Compassion International and in January 2012, we decide to sponsor our first child, Joani.

We chose Joani because she is close in age to my daughter. We wanted my daughter to grow up and learn to give to others and thought this would be a good way to do it. Allison has fallen in love with Joani! She constantly draws pictures for Joani, asks if we can visit her, and asks me questions about her. She doesn't quite understand that Joani lives far away from us because she often asks if we can go to Joani's house. She also wanted to invite Joani to her birthday party.

In May 2012, we decided to expand our sponsorship and sponsor Godfred. Similar to Joani, we decided to pick Godfred because he is close in age to our son. He also had a similar mischiveous smile in his photo. Will is still too young to understand about sponsorship, but he does enjoy helping me pick out little gifts like stickers and coloring pages to send to the sponsored kids.

So that's our story! Feel free to contact me if you have questions about sponsoring a child. Honestly, this is one of the best experiences of my life and I wish everyone could experience how good it feels to help a child in poverty.