Monday, September 3, 2012

All about Joani

Posted by Amber

Since today is Joani's birthday, I thought I'd tell you about her. Joani Rocha lives in Bolivia. She was born on September 3, 2006 and turned 6 years old today. I started sponsoring her on January 11, 2012.

Her student center is the Los Lotes Student Center which is located south of Santa Cruz. At the student center, Joani is educated, receives meals, health screenings, and medical treatment when necessary. She also learns about Jesus and plays with the other children in a safe environment. Los Lotes is home to approximately 8,500 people and the average home is constructed of cement with a tin roof. The most commonly spoken language is Guarani but her tutor speaks Spanish, so I believe Joani might as well.

Los Lotes is a tough place. The regional diet consists of corn, beans, bananas, chicken, bread, cassava, beef, plantains, rice, and potatoes. Common health issues are colds, diarrhea, dengue fever and skin diseases. Most adults work as street vendors or masons and earn about $150 per month. Luckily, the community does have electricity and water, but they need vocational training and hospitals. The region is also recovering from the deadly El Nino deluge in 2007, a rainy season that produced the worst flooding in 25 years and destroyed homes, croplands and cattle.

Joani is such a sweet little girl! Through her letters, I have learned that she likes to draw and play with dolls. She's a shy girl and doesn't talk a lot. She has 3 cats named Poter, Teresa and Poterr. Her parents are married. Her dad is a painter and her mom is a nanny. Here's a list of her favorite things:

Favorite food: Chicken
Favorite color: Red
Favorite activity: Playing with dolls
Best friend: Yenni
Favorite Bible story: Jonas and the whale
Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 34:14 ("Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies!")

Here are the two photos I've received of Joani so far:

Whoever is kind to the needy honors God. ~ Proverbs 14:31 (NIV)